I jumped off a cliff once! Well, technically it was called gorge swinging. And it. was. TERRIFYING!
That's it over there --------->
The Zambezi Swing. The exact one I did! Backwards like that! (That's not me though. That's a guy. I'm not a guy.)

You may not know this about me, but I have a tattoo. Mmm
hmm. Another sensible move on my part. Sensible because it's NOT a skull/skeleton/umbrella/some other gross or random picture. Sensible because it's NOT somewhere on my stomch where it will swell up one day when I have a baby. (Um... seriously hope I don't wind up with fat ankles one day!)

Thanks, Wikipedia!
This post was written as part of Rachael Harrie's Writers' Platform-Building Crusade (so you can blame her for the words skeleton, umbrella and kartoffelpuffer!). Go check it out if you want to know more about why we write awesomely random things!

Oh my gosh. I would never be able to jump off that thing! You're a lot braver than I am. lol.
Don't feel too bad about the piercing and tattoo. I've got lots of metal in my face...and a home-done tattoo on my ankle. Darn those crazy teen years.
Oh, I couldn't jump off that bridge! Oy, the nads you must have, girlie!! Good on you! Glad you won the cliffhanger blogfest - you had my vote! Yay you! Have a great weekend!
Oh, I totally want to go gorge swinging! That looks awesome. And thanks for sharing these things about yourself. :)
Wow, gorge swinging? You're braver than me!
Love your post, and (wow!) wouldn't have picked the tongue ring and tattoo!!! Great to learn more about you ;)
I could (probably) do gorge swinging - looks really cool! It's free-falling (eg bungie jumping etc) that I'd have trouble with :P
Holy crap you're one brave cookie! (can cookies even be brave?????)
1. Wow, you're brave!
2. I was a teacher for several years, too, and I loved it. It can be such a fun job.
3. I think you win in the seamless dpt. Nice post! And a pleasure making your acquaintance. Looking forward to reading more...
The first three things on this list don't fit the type of person I am AT ALL. (I NEVER would have gone gorge swinging if the friend I was on holiday with hadn't convinced me!)
Here's to breaking out of the box!!
*raises a glass*
I miss my tongue piercing. Gorge jumping looks awesome!
Gorge-swinging looks like a lot of fun! Seriously, I'd do it. :D
Now I wanna go gorge jumping too.
Tattoos, piercings all the things I really wanna do if I weren't so scared of needles
Three things I've thought about doing but never have: jumping off a cliff, getting a piercing and getting a tattoo. Seriously. Go you for living life dangerously.
Rachel - Fun stuff, girl!! It's great to do things to through people off!!! I used to love to cliff jump - from terifyingly high heights. I have a tattoo too. Hee hee. Who wants to be predictable, right?
=D Great post!
Those are lots of interesting things about you! Thanks for sharing.
Some very interesting facts aboout you Rachel. I couldn't do the tongue piercing thing but the tatt looks nice. But jumping off a cliff - oh no!
O...M...G! I could NEVER jump off a cliff like that. I bow down before you!
I want to go gorge swinging! That looks like SO much fun! :D
Oooh, gorge swinging!!! I notice you mention it was terrifying, but you don't say if you actually had fun... LOL. But I definitely want to do that someday. Not so much the tongue piercing though, haha.
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