I've never actually known what that Generation X, Generation Y thing was all about, so I decided to look it up (and I needed an excuse to use the image below!).
Generation Y: (aka Millennial Generation, Generation Next, Net Generation) is the generation that follows Generation X (if you know your alphabet this might seem kind of, um, obvious!). Members were born from roughly the mid 1970s to the early 2000s. This generation is generally marked by increased use and familiarity with communication, media and digital technologies.
Generation X: those born in the 1960s and 70s, after the Western post-World War II baby boom. Um...
Can anyone tell me exactly what defined Generation X? Wikipedia's confusing me a little!
(Info summarised from Wikipedia, which I always tell my students at school not to use as a reference!)
lol- I was going to say as a student I can't use wiki.
I have no better explanation though.
I'm a Y baby! Yay!
Ellie Garratt
LOL - what a funny picture - you're hilarious!
Generation X. Yes, that would be me. It has always been my belief that we were an in-between generation without identities, often ignored and misunderstood. But maybe I'm wrong.
Awesome image...LOVE IT! I don't know much about the X generation, but I will say I don't like labels. Great post!
that is awesome, i am a y chromo or what was i thinking generation.
A to Z Blog Challenge Participant
Jeremy [iZombie]
Someone did a post on Generation X yesterday. I don't think there was anything remarkable about that generation, other than that those born in that time were destined to be lame people who couldn't stand on their own as independent individuals. You kinda wonder how a whole generation can be lumped together and labelled in such a random and unscientific manner. Learned something here today. :)
I'm an X-er. Maybe we're simple non-descript.
Funny cartoon.
I'm from Generation 'W' then.
There's also Theory X and Theory Y, if you are into Management theories.
Amusing post with equally amusing image, this.
Life on The Farm
Love the image for generation Y. I can't understand why anyone would want to wear their pants half off their backsides.
When I see the bulbous boot of the new style VW Beetle I think of those poor unfortunate adolescents with their pants hanging down like soggy diapers/nappies as they walk LOL! :O)
I'm on the cusp of Generation Y. I was born in 1977. I always considered myself more aligned with Generation X - but who knows. I can't stand the sagging pants. How can you show off your assets that way?
I'm Gen Y and while some of the traits match mine ( familiarity with technology, bit of a job jumper) others don't. I thought the cut off was 1980 but many sources conflict on this. I actually wrote an article about Gen Y in the workplace about four years ago. :-)
Sure! Here's what defined Generation X: Shrinky Dinks, Pet Rocks, Bell Bottoms, Shag carpet and avocado appliances. ;-)
Haha! Thanks, Julie, perfect explanation!
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