Showing posts with label blog tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog tour. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Faerie War Blog Tour

Thank you SOOO much to everyone who helped spread the word yesterday about The Faerie War's release! Here's what's happening over the next week. Please feel free to stop by any post that interests you and say hi!

Blog Tour Schedule

Tues 22 Oct
SS Book Fanatics ~ Promo Post
Buried in Books ~ Review

Wed 23 Oct
Queendsheena ~ Review
In Between ~ Review
Elizabeth Delano Rosa - Interview

Thurs 24 Oct
Gwen Gardner ~ Creepy Hollow Playlist

Fri 25 Oct
Jeanz Book ReadnReview ~ Interview | Series Spotlight

Mon 28 Oct
Clare Dugmore ~ Saying Goodby to a Series

Tues 29 Oct

Wed 30 Oct
Fabulosity Reads ~ Interview

~  ~  ~

And don't forget the giveaway!
Signed Creepy Hollow book, Creepy Hollow jewelry, 
and loads of ebooks from awesome YA authors!

Thank you to all the generous authors who donated ebooks for this giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 21, 2013

You can finally read the end of Violet's story - THE FAERIE WAR is here!

It's party time!!! 
My third book baby is finally here!

Two and a half years ago, while taking a break from the loooong novel I'd finally finished writing, the words 'creepy hollow' popped into my head. From those two words, a magical world and three novels have been created. I'm SOOOO excited (and a little sad) that the finale to Violet's story is finally here. I hope you love it!

I put together eight teaser images which are being displayed on various blogs today. If you'd like to see them, you can visit the following fabulous bloggers who are totally awesome-sauce and offered to help me share the word today! (If you want to share any of the images on Facebook, Twitter, etc. please go right ahead!)

And what's a release day party without stuff to

Thank you to all the generous authors who donated ebooks for this giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Frannie's Connections (A Guest Post from Authors Gwen Gardner and Angela Brown)

Gwen and Angela are taking over today!
(Scroll down to the bottom for my IWSG post)

~  ~  ~

We over at Partners in ParanormYA really enjoy interacting with our characters, and the characters from our books enjoy crossover interaction with each other as well. Our characters are very strong-willed and quite capable of taking over the show. They have their own opinions, likes and dislikes. So sometimes, we just have to let them take over the stage…

“Franny Bishop here. I appear in both Givin’ Up The Ghost and A Guilty Ghost Surprised, as well as the Afterlife series which comes out next year. If you’ve read any of the books, you’ll know that Indigo is always worried about my connections. You know a nineteenth century ghost madam is bound to have connections. I was quite, erm, social, both in life and after. I’m still in my youth, relatively speaking. I’m 125 years old, but that’s an infant compared to some of the folks I know.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes. About my connections. I’m very active in the spirit community, so of course I know a lot of ghosts and such. Some are--were--very good people. So when Indigo needed protection for Bryan (in A Guilty Ghost Surprised), I called in a few favors. A group of watchers were called for. Watchers are spirits, of course, but they did double duty as nurses during Victorian times. They are more evolved than regular spirits. The strength of their love lends them powers that keep the grim away.

Of course, the grim includes unnatural beings like that dratted soul collector who’s after Indigo. But Indigo has her own sort of power, she just hasn’t realized it yet. But Bryan, he’s just an innocent little spirit soul who needs looking after, so when that soul-sucking shadow threatened him, I called in the best people for the job.”

“The watchers? I am familiar with them. Busybodies, all of them,” said a sarcastic voice. The former Father Quanon (of Neverlove fame), now known only as Q, the new Devourer from They All Fall Down, steps up to the stage.

Franny narrows her eyes at him. “You dare show your face here after what you did to Tegra? What you tried to do to Abby and Basil?”

“Come now, Franny. You know I didn’t really do those things. It’s just a part I play as the star of They All Fall Down.”

“The star? Now I’ve heard it all. Abby and Basil are the stars, not you…”

“So you do admit it’s just a part I play…” Q countered.

“I’m admitting nothing.” Franny's cheeks flamed. “All I know is that when trouble shadow jumps into town, you’re too often behind it.”

“You do look lovely with your eyes blazing like that,” said Q. “You’re quite attractive for a 125-year old.” He looks her up and down. “If only you’d lose that Victorian get-up…I wouldn’t mind connecting with you, at all. Why don’t you come on over to my place? Say, around eleven?”

The stage explodes with Watchers. Q backs into the shadows and shadow jumps away…

If you liked this little bit of character interaction, check out the books:

Indigo Eady and gang are back with a  feather and a Chance setting off another twisting-turning investigation to bring a cold case, and loved ones, closure at last.

Free of their duties as Cleanser and Harvestor, Abby and Basil try to move on with their lives. But some secrets remain. And what is done in the dark won’t be good when it comes to light.
TAFD buy links: Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Gwen Gardner and Angela Brown - YA paranormal authors embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. Share with us as we take the Indie journey to bring our works to the world. Buckle up! There'll be mystery, mayhem, action and emotional roller coasters...oh, and a few things that go bump in the night.
Hauntings are scary but we love interaction:

And don’t forget about the giveaway!

~  ~  ~

This part of today's blog post is brought to you by the Insecure Writer's Support Group, an online group where writers can express doubts and concerns, and those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance.

My insecurity today?
A few hours ago, I uploaded ebook versions of the completed The Faerie War, entered all the email addresses of people who've signed up to post reviews, and clicked SEND!
So now I wait. Anxiously. Wondering what people are thinking of the conclusion to Violet's story...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

HOW TO DATE A NERD by Cassie Mae & THE FUNERAL SINGER by Linda Budzinski

Zoe has a great pair of legs, perky boobs, and wears exactly what she needs to show it all off. She works hard for the easy sleazy ‘you only wish you were me’ reputation, burying who she really is—an all-out nerd.

The only time Zoe gets to be herself is when she hides under her comforter to read X-Men comics, sending jealousy stabs at everyone who attends Comic-Con. Keeping up her popular rep is too important, and she’s so damn insecure to care about the consequences. But when Zoe’s sister takes her car for a ‘crash and burn into a tree’ joyride, her parents get her a replacement. A manual. Something she doesn’t know how to operate, but her next door neighbor Zak sure as heck does.

Zak’s a geek to the core, shunned by everyone in school for playing Dungeons and Dragons at lunch and wearing “Use the Force” t-shirts. And Zoe’s got it bad for the boy. Only Zak doesn’t want Popular Zoe. He wants Geek Zoe.

She has to shove her insecurities and the fear of dropping a few rungs on the social ladder aside to prove to Zak who she really is and who she wants to be… if she can figure it out herself.

First of all, I just want to eat that cover. Something about the green and pink ... yummy! 

In a word, this book is CUTE! The dialogue, the awkward moments, the sweet, blushing romance, the nerd references, and Zak (woohoo!) all combine to produce one super cute book. 

Zoe is a difficult character to like in the beginning, what with all her Popular Zoe meanness, but the author somehow pulls it off by showing us the real Zoe inside. We've all been there, haven't we? We want to be liked. Maybe envied. And who would find it easy to give that up once they have it? Zak is the opposite. Secure in himself. He likes and does things that make him a nerd, but so what? That's who he is. A sweet, adorable, super sexy nerd boy!

Zoe and Zak have some history. Zak knows exactly who Zoe is deep, deep (possibly very deep!) down inside. The question is whether Zoe can be brave enough to let everyone else know the real Zoe.

Beneath the giggle-yourself-silly humour are some important and worthwhile messages. Messages about accepting yourself (Zoe, I'm talking to you!). Messages about forgiveness (man, Zak gets hurt over and over again, and over and over again he gives Zoe the forgiveness she doesn't think she deserves). This is a story that just about everyone can relate to.


So Cassie, the fabulous author of this book, wants to know what's nerdy about each of us.

Here are some of my nerdy attributes:
  • At primary school I sometimes chose to sit alone at break and read my book instead of sitting with my friends.
  • I've played the flute since high school. I even went to orchestra camp. (Yip. Orchestra camp)
  • My husband's been re-watching old, badly made Star Trek episodes recently, and after a number of episodes, I actually found myself *gulp* sort of ... enjoying them!
  • Superheroes rock.
  • Reading a book is better than going out on a Friday night. Or any night!
  • (PS - I adore Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, but those are so universally loved by nerds and non-nerds alike, I don't think they qualify as nerd-makers!)

Visit Cassie's blog to find out the nerdiest thing about her!

~  ~  ~

Seventeen-year-old Melanie Martin has witnessed her share of lame eulogies and uninspired epitaphs while singing part-time at her dad's funeral home. She's determined to be more than a funeral singer, more than just someone's "beloved wife" or "loving mother."

When Mel's impromptu rendition of "Amazing Grace" at a local rock star's graveside service goes viral on YouTube, she becomes an Internet sensation, gains thousands of fans and followers, and snags a hot rock star boyfriend--Zed Logan, bass player for The Grime.

But instant fame isn’t easy—and neither is love. Especially when Mel realizes she’s falling for another guy—one who may just want her heart more than her voice …

I LOVE the premise on which this book is based. I love the song lyrics mentioned. I loved imagining Mel's voice soaring above silent crowds. I appreciated the message behind her story about the consequences of sudden fame and what it can do not only to that person, but the people in his/her life. And yet ... I felt like this story needed ... MORE.

I felt that more could have been done with the plot, and DEFINITELY with the relationship between Mel and the guy she ended up falling for. I found their attraction to one another to be not entirely ... believable. I wanted more interaction between the two of them. I wanted to see a connection. I couldn't quite understand what drew her to him, and, even more so, what drew him to her. Maybe I missed something. Maybe it's just that my personal taste veers more toward character interaction than, perhaps, other readers' or writers' tastes. I just wanted MORE there!

All that being said, this was still an enjoyable and thought-provoking novel that managed to keep me turning the pages :-)

~  ~  ~

Thanks to Swoon Romance for sending me copies of these books to review!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Author Interviews | Book Reviews

Day 7 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thanks to today's hosts!

Cathy Keaton Writes, Or Tries To (author interview)
Second Book to the Right (book review)
Kittie Howard (author interview)

Today's Bonus Link
The Next Chapter is reviewing The Faerie Guardian

Good news from yesterday
I had a surprise when I got up this morning and checked my sales. I don't know what sparked it, but The Faerie Guardian sold waaaay more copies than it's sold in a day before, landing it on three Amazon bestseller lists! And so did The Faerie Prince!

Thank you to everyone who's purchased The Faerie Guardian!

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Creepy Hollow Fictional Movie Cast | An Interview with Tora | Book Reviews

Day 6 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thank you to today's hosts!

The Peasants Revolt (book review, character interview)
Elise Fallson (guest post: Creepy Hollow Fictional Movie Cast)
Melanie Schulz (book review)
Anything Imagined (book review)
Jinky is Reading (book review)

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 7, 2013

Faerie Social Networks | My Writing and Publication Journey | Book Reviews

Day 5 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thank you to today's hosts!

The Rest is Still Unwritten (guest post: Faerie Social Networks)
The Book Hookup (book review)
Little Book Star (book review)

Today's Fantasy Art
"Call of the Wind" | Girl ©

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 6, 2013

5 Reasons to be an Author | An Excerpt from THE FAERIE PRINCE | Book Reviews

Day 4 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thank you to today's hosts!

The Rest is Still Unwritten (book review)
Pretty in Fiction (excerpt)
Mom in Love with Fiction (book review)
No Thought 2 Small (book review, character interview with Nate)
A Bookish Escape (guest post: 5 Reasons To Be An Author)
In Between (book review,author interview)

Bonus Links for Today
DJ's Book Corner is reviewing The Faerie Guardian
A Bookish Escape is featuring The Faerie Prince for Swoon Thursday! Yay! *swoon*

Today's Fantasy Art
"The Fire Within" | Background ©

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sources of Inspiration for Writers | Author Interviews | Book Reviews

Day 3 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thank you to today's hosts!

Krista McLaughlin (book review)
The Open Vein (author interview)
Buried in Books (book review)
DJ’s Book Corner (author interview)

Today's Fantasy Art

"Shining Princess" | Girl © | Background ©

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Writing for an International Audience | An Interview with Ryn | Book Reviews

Day 2 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour

Thank you to today's hosts!

Cherie Reads (book review)
A Bookish Escape (book review)
Some Like it Paranormal (book review, character interview)

Today's Fantasy Art

"Winter Fairy" | Girl © | Forest ©

And don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 3, 2013

Building a Fantasy World | Flawed Characters in Fiction | Book Reviews

Day 1 of The Faerie Prince Virtual Book Tour
Thank you to today's hosts!

 Refracted Light (book review)
Cherie Reich - Author (guest post: Building a Fantasy World)
Surrounded by Books (book review)
Random Things in Action (book review)
Gwen Gardner (guest post: Flawed Characters in Fiction)
Cally Jackson Writes (book review)

Today's Fantasy Art

Don't forget the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sign Up for THE FAERIE PRINCE Blog Tour and Release Day Blogfest

Hooray! We're just under two months away from the release of THE FAERIE PRINCE, and it's time to plan another blog tour! The book will be released on May 30th, and the blog tour will be held from June 3rd to 9th. If you'd like to take part, you can scroll further down this page and fill in the form.

If you share this image on your blog, it would be great if you could link back to this post (

I wanted to do something a little bit different on release day, so instead of just asking you all to do a generic announcement to tell the world that the book is available, I thought in addition to announcing the release of THE FAERIE PRINCE, you could also tell everyone who your favorite faerie tale prince is, and why :-) You can pick any prince/hero from any fairy tale, old or modern (and if you have an objection to posting about your favorite prince, you could tell us who your favorite princess is instead!). You can do this on release day or for three days after that, i.e. from May 30th to June 2nd, whichever day suits you best. If you're keen, scroll down and add your name to the Simply Linked list.

If you share this image on your blog, it would be great if you could link back to this post (

Add your link to tell us who your favorite faerie tale prince is on May 30th!
(or between May 30th and June 2nd, if you can't do May 30th!)


And before you go ... here's a little teaser ;-)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Playlist for THE MAGIC WAKES, by Charity Bradford

Does music inspire your writing? It does for me, and probably for many other authors too. Today I'm hosting Charity Bradford, author of THE MAGIC WAKES. She'll be sharing the some of the songs that inspired her debut novel.

Banner 3

Music has always played a huge part in my writing process. A good song can put me in the right emotional mindset to write a scene or give me an idea for a short story. The Magic Wakes was no different. Certain songs spoke to me. Saying they belonged to certain characters or the situations I wanted to put them in. Talia embodies “Stand My Ground” by Within Temptation. Especially these words: “I won’t give in. No more denying I’ve gotta face it. Won’t close my eyes and hid the truth inside…It’s all around, getting stronger, coming closer into my world. I can feel that it’s time for me to face it. Can I take it? Though this might just be the ending of the life I held so dear, but I won’t run. There’s no turning back from here.”

Cry” by Kelly Clarkson also made me think of Talia. Not the verses, but the chorus. The chorus has layers of meaning to match the story line. “Is it over yet? Can I open my eyes? Is this as hard as it gets? Is this what it feels like to really cry?” 1. She dreams in nightmares. 2. Most of her life she’s managed to shut her emotions off as a survival technique. Certain events (or lips) put an end to that. ;) 3. Even when it’s over, it isn’t really over.

Now Landry has been really hard to find “the” song. I don’t know if it’s because he’s so complex, or because we only get a hint at his full person in book one. When I think of him I think more of his entire character arc. So a lot of his songs cover parts of the story that are still in the making. “I Will Not Bow” by Breaking Benjamin has the right feel to it. A lot of their songs could be attached to Landry in different aspects of his life and along the story line. He’s a tough (although well educated and refined royalty, so not crass in any way) military man who has done things to keep the kingdom safe that aren’t even hinted at until book two.

Save You” by Kelly Clarkson is a softer side reserved just for Talia. All the words, every one.

There’s one character that is trapped by some choices from his past. It’s not who he is, but what he carries with him. Jaron’s song is “Falling Inside the Black” by Skillet.

And a few more songs I listened to a lot while writing. “Arms” by Christina Perri “I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth, and I’ve never opened up. I’ve never truly loved ‘till you put your arms around me, and I believe that’s it’s easier for you to let me go.”

If No One Will Listen” by Kelly Clarkson. There are so many great phrases in here that I imagined Talia’s mother and then Landry saying to her. It’s about love, trust and loyalty to me. It lends itself to Talia's entire story arc as well. “No one can tell you, where you alone must go. There’s no telling, what you’ll find there. And god I know the fear that eats away at your bones. Screaming every step ‘Just stay here’.”

Save Me” by Shinedown

~  ~  ~
CoverTalia has a secret, one that will save her world and yet rip it apart. Only she can decide if the price is worth it.

Scientist Talia Zaryn has always had visions of an alien invasion and of her own death. She has kept it a secret, hoping they are nothing more than childish nightmares. But when her face in the mirror matches that of her dreams, she fears the dreams are prophetic. Talia must prove that life exists beyond their planet, Sendek; perhaps then people will prepare to fight.

Talia's work at the Space Exploration Foundation leaves no time for personal relationships, but Major Landry Sutton is not looking for a friend. He is looking for a traitor. His ability to sense emotions convinces him Talia is that traitor until a touch sizzles between them. In an instant their minds are connected. Just as the two begin to trust each other, the invading force arrives.

Talia and Landry must uncover the secrets of Sendek’s past if they hope to defeat these terrifying creatures. And Talia is the key—if only she can learn to trust the magic coursing through her veins.

Author photoCharity Bradford has been a voracious reader ever since her 5th grade teacher introduced her to the world of books with Where the Red Fern Grows and Summer of the Monkeys. She’s the mother of four kids that keep her on her toes, constantly reminding her that imagination still makes the world go round. She lives in Arkansas with her hubby and children, and firmly believes that a smile can solve most problems. The Magic Wakes is her first novel.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Spotlight on Ryn and Tora #CreepyHollow

Two spotlights today! You can find out more about Oryn at Worlds Away Book Blog, and Tora at Better Read than Dead.

I found stock images that I thought perfectly suited Violet, Nate and Ryn, but I eventually picked an actress for Tora - Abbie Cornish. She's meant to have green highlights in her blonde hair. Yip, green.

And that brings this short little blog tour to an end :-)

A big THANK YOU to everyone who hosted, everyone who visited and commented, and all the people who have never stopped being a great support on this exciting writing journey :-) I'm grateful to every one of you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Three in a Row, and a FR33BIE for Creepy Hollow Fans!

Three book reviews in a row, today! We've got Cherie Reads , Read Review Smile (including an interview and another giveaway - whoopie!) and Camille Picott. Thank you, lovely ladies!


I know that a lot of you readers have already bought the four ebooks that make up the content of The Faerie Guardian. So if those of you who have (honour system now ;-) ) would like a copy of The Faerie Guardian so you can read the little extra bit at the end (or just because it looks good in your collection ;-) ), just leave your email address in the comments and I'll get back to you.

Happy Thursday :-)

*expires 12 Nov

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spotlight on Nate #CreepyHollow (And Wedding Stress!)

Thank you, thank you, yesterday's hosts :-)

And woohoo, today we have another character spotlight! This time it's Nate who's on the spot, over at **Qwerty**.
And if you'd like to "meet" me and see where I spend my days writing and teaching, you can visit erica and christy (who came out of blog hiatus especially to host me! What an honour!) to check out the video fun :-)

 ~  ~  ~

In other news ... I had my first wedding-stress dream! Aaaah! I think I've been pretty chilled so far with wedding stuff, but ever since I woke up from that stressful nonsense dream, I've had this anxiety inside me! Ridiculous, since there are the same amount of wedding things left to do today as there were yesterday. But this happens to everyone, right? You get all stressed out and then it's an awesome day? *sigh* I know it will be. Just gotta get there :-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spotlight on Vi #CreepyHollow

Thank you to yesterday's hosts!

Today you can find out more about Violet over at The Book Hookup.
And Sandra of the Simply Sensational Book Fanatics (who is a South African blogger like me - yay!) is posting a review. Awesomesauce! [Edit: seems I'm not the only one using that word today ;-) Hehe! ]

And in case you haven't entered (because it hadn't yet been approved yesterday), here is the Goodreads giveaway :-)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Faerie Guardian by Rachel  Morgan

The Faerie Guardian

by Rachel Morgan

Giveaway ends November 12, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Character Spotlight: Sam Blaize from J.C. Martin's ORACLE

As part of her Oracle blog tour, J.C. Martin is spotlighting one of her characters here today :-)

Fact file: 

Name: Sam Siobhan Blaize

Age: 30

D.O.B.: August 31st

Likes: Kick-boxing, chocolate, rom-coms (shh … it’s a secret!)

Dislikes: Chauvinism, sexism, the name ‘Samantha’, describing redheads as ‘ginger’

Bio: Detective Sergeant Sam Blaize is more than your typical fiery Irish redhead. Sure, she’s a five-foot-four-inch pocket dynamite, a kick-butt amateur kickboxing champion, and she has a quick temper and doesn’t suffer fools gladly, but behind her fiercely independent front hides a vulnerable woman who still enjoys a cuddle now and again, and who gets soppy watching romantic comedies (but don’t let her know I told you that!). Though there is clear chemistry between Blaize and her partner, Detective Lancer, she is unwilling to start a relationship with a work colleague, especially one who has recently lost his wife. As they work frenetically to catch the murderer in Oracle before the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, Blaize battles with a personal problem of her own, one she fears could rob her of her womanhood.

~ ~ ~

With London gearing up to host the Olympics, the city doesn't need a serial killer stalking the streets, but they've got one anyway.

Leaving a trail of brutal and bizarre murders, the police force is no closer to finding the latest psychopath than Detective Inspector Kurt Lancer is in finding a solution for his daughter's disability.

Thrust into the pressure cooker of a high profile case, the struggling single parent is wound tight as he tries to balance care of his own family with the safety of a growing population of potential victims.

One of whom could be his own daughter.

Fingers point in every direction as the public relations nightmare grows, and Lancer's only answer comes in the form of a single oak leaf left at each crime scene.

About the Author
J.C. Martin is a butt-kicking bookworm: when she isn’t reading or writing, she teaches martial arts and self-defence to adults and children.

After working in pharmaceutical research, then in education as a schoolteacher, she decided to put the following to good use: one, her 2nd degree black belt in Wing Chun kung fu; and two, her overwhelming need to write dark mysteries and gripping thrillers with a psychological slant.

Her short stories have won various prizes and have been published in several anthologies. Oracle is her first novel.

Born and raised in Malaysia, J.C. now lives in south London with her husband and three dogs.

Contact: Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook

Friday, May 18, 2012

Interview with Author Lindsay Paige

Today I'm interviewing Lindsay Paige about the release of Whatever It Takes, the third book in the Bold As Love series.

1. Let’s start with an easy one: are you a plotter or a pantser?

2. What's a completely random fact about you that most people don't know?
I have a touch of carpal tunnel in my hands.

3. What was your favorite book as a child?
I didn't read much as a child. I didn't get into reading until about seventh grade. My favorite book back then was The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks.

4. What do you find is the hardest thing about writing?
The hardest thing about writing for me is to make sure I convey what the characters are feeling good enough for the reader to feel them too.

5. Who are your writing inspirations?
Jessica Park, Nicholas Sparks, Jamie Magee, and Elizabeth Waldie to name a few.

6. Out of all the characters you’ve ever created, tell us about the one you’d most like to meet in real life.
I'd love to meet Jake! He's my ideal guy.

7. Is there anything you’ve learned about your Bold As Love series SINCE you began publishing it?
I've found messages in my books that I didn't intentionally put there. I had one goal when I began and that was to make something that was real and these little messages about life were incorporated along the way.

8. If Whatever It Takes had a theme song, what would it be?
Whatever It Takes by Lifehouse. It was the song that played constantly in my head while writing, from beginning to end.

9. If for some reason you couldn’t be a writer, what would you be?
I have no clue. There's nothing I love as much as I love writing.