Carole Anne Carr is promoting her book FIRST WOLF, a children’s quest adventure story set in 8th century Northumbria, by making the ebook edition
*free* today and tomorrow (12th and 13th July). You can get it from:
Amazon US
Amazon UK

Toland, a twelve year old Anglo-Saxon boy must kill his first wolf to be accepted by his kinsmen but he is lame. Hill tribes attack his settlement and his father goes to find the King who is away fighting the border wars. Toland must protect his family and find his father. With his faithful hound Bodo by his side, he guides his family to safety, Rescued from drowning by a slave girl who met her death before he was born, he survives the first Viking attack of Lindisfarne and is given the task of carrying the Lindisfarne Gospels to safety at Durham. While full of adventure, action, and mystery, this is a young boy’s rite of passage that involves the killing of his first wolf and his survival in the destructive adult world in which he lives. In this early history are the boy’s otherworldly helpers who are everywhere around him, and central to this story is Toland’s dedication to fulfilling his promise to the monks of Lindisfarne, despite the threats to his life that this single-minded focus brings.

Carole is a member of The Society of Authors, Nat. Assoc. of Writers in Education,
National Children’s University (Shropshire), Society of Storytelling, Women
in Rural Business, Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, W.I. Speaker, and the author of
First Wolf, Little Boy Good-for-Nothing and the Shongololo, Candle Dark, Thin
Time, and River Dark.
In her own words ...
"I'm an author and independent publisher of four children's books: two historical fiction, one fantasy, and one picture book. My early years were spent as a bank teller in Africa, then as teacher, owner of an art and craft business, poet, creative writing tutor, actress and Third Order Franciscan. I held the Office of Reader in the Church of England before beginning my writing career. I'm working on sequels to my children's books. I have taught poetry and other aspects of creative writing, been Deputy head of a Shropshire primary school for nearly twenty years, and I’m a member of the Society of Authors, the National Association of Writers in Schools, and W.I. Speaker."