Showing posts with label tension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tension. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gabrielle, The Authoress

As part of Gabrielle’s prize in the Power of Tension Blogfest, she won an interview on both my and Cally’s blogs (The Tension Blogfest? you ask. Wasn’t that, like, ages ago? Correct. But I’ve been out of the country recently, and before that... end-of-term-madness!).

So, let's get down to business!

I'd like to introduce to you all Julie Gabrielle Anne, all the way from Tennessee, USA (which is kind of far from South Africa...).

To set the scene, how long have you been writing and what type of stories do you write?

I’ve been writing since I was nine. I’d start a story, quickly get tired of it, and end up killing off the entire cast and tacking on “the end” just so I could say it was done. Not until I was fourteen did I start writing seriously. My favorite genres to write and read are humor, sci-fi, and action. Anything with big guns or big laughs :)

[At least you got to "the end". I only ever got a few chapters in and then got bored and moved on!]

Describe your favourite writing place.

My favorite place to write is at my desk. It’s older than me and came from my grandmother. I don’t like to sit at it, though. I have to sit on top of it, with my music going loud and my legs dangling off either side. It’s very comfy.

[Hmm, never tried sitting ON my desk...]

Are you a plotter or a pantzer?

I am both when I have to be, but I’m a pantzer by nature. It’s so much more fun to just dive in with no plan and start writing whatever crazy things come to mind. Sometimes, like with a prequel novel that I’m working on now, I have to plot because the novel covers twenty-five years, and I have to be careful not to mess up the timeline in the orginal novels.

[I'm with you on this. Pantzing comes more naturally to me too.]

Would you rather have a great plotline or fantastic technical writing? (No, you can’t choose both here!)

Definitely great plotline! You can always fix messy technical writing later, and it’s not as much of a headache as a disastrous plotline.


What's a completely random fact about you that most people don't know?

Hm. It drives me absolutely nuts when my younger siblings wrinkle the rug in my room. I can’t focus on anything else if the rug is crooked or has a lump in it.

[Haha, yup, that's pretty random!]

What was your favourite book as a child?

This one is an easy one. HOP ON POP by Dr. Seuss. It’s still one of my favorites. When I was learning to read, it was one of the few books I could read by myself and one of the first of Dr. Seuss’s genius books that I ever read.

[Ooh, I haven't read that one! Must go on the to-read-to-my-children-one-day list...]

If you were stuck in an elevator and had the choice of any writer, living or dead, to be stuck with, who would it be and why?

This is a tough one… Got it! Kate Brian. She’s the author who turned me onto romantic humor in YA, both reading and writing it. I think she’s a genius. In her Privilege series, the main character is a murderer and completely psychotic, but I still ended up rooting for her. What kind of crazy good writer can do that??

[Wow. I'll have to check out this Kate Brian.]

Out of all the characters you’ve ever created, tell us about the one you’d most like to meet in real life.

This is a close call between two characters from the same book, but I’d have to go with Darius Hanneman. He’s a cyborg turned con artist, teleporter, and fiercely loyal. He’s also a walking time bomb, almost always ends up getting somebody in trouble, and is never sorry. But on the rare occasion he can be sweet and sort of funny.

[Ok, I would be a little scared to meet this Darius dude!]

Have you ever based a character on a real person you know, and would you tell that person?

There is one character I based off a real person, but I never did and probably never will tell them. They’d be flattered to begin with, but when they found out who the character was… they’d be less pleased. Haha.

[Probably best to keep quiet then!]

Lastly (and most importantly): chocolate or ice cream?

*gasp* Is it even possible to survive with just one or the other? I love chocolate sooo much, but I’m ninety-nine percent certain I would expire without ice cream. Does chocolate ice cream count as chocolate?

[Hmm... Ok, you can have chocolate ice cream :-)]

~ ~ ~

Thank you, Gabrielle, and congratulations once again on an excellent entry in the Power of Tension Blogfest.

If you're interested in following Gabrielle's writing journey you can find her on her blog, The Authoress | Of A Writerly Sort.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We have a winner!

Yes, the time has finally come to announce the The Power of Tension Blogfest winner!
(I won't waste any time waffling...)

First Prize:
Congratulations, Trisha!

I make it to the corner store with minutes to spare.

Rushing down the kitchen and bathroom aisle, I dart around the corner and see the storeroom door. Suppressing a yell of triumph and relief, I fly at the door and rattle the handle—it turns. I fall on it, push, slip inside. My breaths are harsh in my ears, but at least they’re still coming.


Trisha has won a $15 Amazon voucher plus an interview on my blog and Cally’s blog OR a 1st chapter beta read by both Cally and me. Let us know what you’d like, Trisha!

Second Prize:
Congratulations, Gabriellan!

For the past week, I’d had a countdown clock of sorts in my head. Now, the countdown clock read 00:00:01.

The door to my cell opened. Slowly, the steamy interior of the cell cleared.

“That’s not my name.” I made my voice as cold as I could.

Gabriellan has won a $10 Amazon voucher plus an interview on my blog and Cally’s blog OR a 1st chapter beta read by both Cally and me. Let us know what you’d like, Gabriellan!

Third Prize (is a tie!):
Congratulations, Damyanti!

I mean to kill. I know it is only a matter of time today, I’ve chosen my spot well.
A man on the hospital escalator going down watches a woman on her way up. A staircase separates the two escalators, perhaps for busy doctors who can’t get enough cardio into their week. The man turns, raises his head to gaze at her trim little figure. She does not notice him watching her, nor does he know I hold him in my sight.

Read More... (violence warning)

Third Prize (is a tie!):
Congratulations, Sarah!

Emily walked the bird block. Large almost-birds hissed and whispered in the trees—Bird hater, bird hater.

This last block to school belonged to the birds for a week now, though no one else heard them. Emily didn’t look at them. If she did, they would slide around on the branches like shadows. She wouldn’t be able to tell where their beaks ended and their heads began. The largest of them would open his mouth in a great yawn, and for a second, Emily would feel all swallowed up. That’s what happened the first day. The day after they’d lost the softball championship.


Damyanti and Sarah have each won a $5 Amazon voucher.

Honourable Mentions

Honourable mentions go to our two remaining finalists, J. C. Martin, Fighter Writer and Steph from Word by Word. Between them, they received over 20% of the votes in the competition, which just shows how close the results were.

~ ~ ~

Thanks again to everyone who entered the blogfest, to everyone who voted, and to everyone who commented. You helped to make the competition a wonderful success!

Yay for tension!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tension Blogfest Finalists Announced!

Wow, I had no idea it would be so tough to choose just six out of all those entries! Thank you once again to everyone who wrote a tension-filled piece. The standard of the entries was most deliciously high. Yum...

And now I can probably write any rubbish I feel like, because I'm sure you've skipped right past this part to see if your name is on the list.

Yum-di-dum-di-dum... Oodle-yoody-bum...

Right, here it is! Please join Cally and me in congratulating...

Our top six (in alphabetical order):


Where to from here?

Since it was so hard to narrow it down to six, we’ve decided we’re not going to choose who comes first, second and third. Instead, we’re handing that tricky job over to you!

Read the finalist entries to remind yourself what they're about, and then you have until 11.59pm AEST time Tuesday 7 June (which is 9.59am Tuesday in New York, if that helps) to cast your vote on who should be crowned The Tension Legend. Choose wisely, because you only get one vote. Cally and I will announce the winners on both of our blogs at 10pm AEST next Wednesday 8 June (8am Wednesday, New York time).

PS. We've intentionally hidden the results from you because we're mean like that ;-) Plus it will make the announcement of the winners more exciting!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Parcel in the Post & Blogfest Wrap-Up

Thank you SOOOOO much to everyone who entered the Tension Blogfest. Now that all the entries are in I'm off to read them :-) And I'd better do that NOW because once I dive into the two new books I just received I likely won't be seen for a while!

Everyone's been writing great reviews about DIVERGENT so I'm super-excited to read that.

And Lauren Beukes (a South African like me!) won the 2011 Arthur C. Clarke Award for her Urban Fantasy ZOO CITY, and around about the same time Joey HiFi received a Best Artwork award for the black and white illustration you can see there on the UK cover of ZOO CITY. So I had to get this book to support another South African author and I had to get the one with the UK cover (I mean look at it - it is so awesome! Click here to see it in more detail)

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Power of Tension Blogfest

We all know that in fiction, tension is vital. Tension ramps up the emotional stakes for your characters and keeps readers burning through the pages to find out whether that tension is resolved. Tension comes in many forms – it could be animosity between family members built up over many years, sexual tension between strangers, or jealousy between work colleagues as they vie for a lucrative promotion.

*finger-drumroll on desk* 
*finger-cymbal-crash on mouse*
The Power of Tension Blogfest has arrived!

What do I do?

Give us an excerpt (up to 300 words) from your manuscript or recently completed work (or just a random scene) that just drips with tension and will tie us up in knots wanting to know more. It doesn’t matter what the piece is about, as long as it screams tension.

What are the prizes?

  • 1st prize: $15 Amazon voucher + interview on Cally Jackson Writes and Rachel Morgan Writes OR 1st chapter beta read by Cally and Rachel
  • 2nd prize: $10 Amazon voucher + interview on Cally Jackson Writes and Rachel Morgan Writes OR 1st chapter beta read by Cally and Rachel
  • 3rd prize: $5 Amazon voucher

Prizes? I’m in! What are the rules?

  • The blogfest runs from TODAY Monday 23 May to Friday 27 May.
  • Post your entry on your blog and then add a direct link to your post to the linky tool at either Cally Jackson Writes or Rachel Morgan Writes before 11.59pm Friday 27 May.
  • Come back on Thursday 2 June to see the six finalists (chosen by us), and then again on Monday 6 June to see the winners!
  • All genres and forms of tension are welcome, but if your entry includes anything graphic, please include a warning at the beginning of your post!

Anything else I should do? 

Glad you asked. These aren’t mandatory, but they’d definitely be appreciated :-)
  • Include our badge in your sidebar during the duration of the blogfest (download the image above)
  • Post and/or tweet about the challenge in the weeks leading up to spread the word.
  • Throughout the challenge week, check out as many other entries as you can and give the entrants some comment love!

Can’t wait to read all of your entries!
The linky list is below :-)


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Power of Tension Blogfest

tension noun mental or emotional strain; intense, suppressed suspense, anxiety, or excitement.

We all know that in fiction, tension is vital. Tension ramps up the emotional stakes for your characters and keeps readers burning through the pages to find out whether that tension is resolved. Tension comes in many forms – it could be animosity between family members built up over many years, sexual tension between strangers, or jealousy between work colleagues as they vie for a lucrative promotion.

SO, we want to see how tense your fiction can be. Which means... Blogfest Time! 
Yup, Cally Jackson and I our hosting our very first blogfest!

"But, Rach," I hear you say. "I just finished the A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the alphabet is still whirling before my eyes, and to be honest I'm *$%#$#* exhausted!"
And to that I say... "Don't be such a party pooper! I know you've got some fabulous tension-filled scenes filed away somewhere in your computer/notebook/alphabet-filled brain. They're probably the scenes you had the most fun writing!"

Ok fine... What do I do?

Give us an excerpt (up to 300 words) from your manuscript or recently completed work (or just a random scene) that just drips with tension and will tie us up in knots wanting to know more. It doesn’t matter what the piece is about, as long as it screams tension.

What are the prizes?

  • 1st prize: $15 Amazon voucher + interview on Cally Jackson Writes and Rachel Morgan Writes OR 1st chapter beta read by Cally and Rachel
  • 2nd prize: $10 Amazon voucher + interview on Cally Jackson Writes and Rachel Morgan Writes OR 1st chapter beta read by Cally and Rachel
  • 3rd prize: $5 Amazon voucher

Prizes? I’m in! What are the rules?

  • The blogfest will run from Monday 23 May to Friday 27 May. (So you A-Z challengers can have a few weeks breathing space!)
  • At 12:01am (AEST) Monday 23 May, a linky tool will go live on both Cally Jackson Writes and Rachel Morgan Writes.  Post your entry on your blog and then add a direct link to your post to the linky tool on either blog before 11.59pm Friday 27 May.
  • Come back on Thursday 2 June to see the six finalists (chosen by us), and then again on Monday 6 June to see the winners!
  • All genres and forms of tension are welcome, but if your entry includes anything graphic, please include a warning at the beginning of your post!

Anything else I should do? 

Glad you asked. These aren’t mandatory, but they’d definitely be appreciated :-)
  • Include our badge in your sidebar during the duration of the blogfest (download the image above)
  • Post and/or tweet about the challenge in the weeks leading up to spread the word.
  • Throughout the challenge week, check out as many other entries as you can and give the entrants some comment love!

Can’t wait to read all of your entries. Please leave a comment to let us know you’re planning to enter. :-)