Showing posts with label Vampire Diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vampire Diaries. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vampire Diaries Appreciation

(Alternatively titled "Ian Somerhalder Appreciation")

Since the Great Blogging Experiment was so fantastic yesterday and I really can't think of anything useful to post right now (and I haven't finished reading Firelight yet) I am taking the opportunity to have a Vampire Diaries Appreciation Moment (or several moments, rather...)

I wasn't very impressed when I first started watching this show. My reaction was somewhere along the lines of "Great. Twilight rip-off on the small screen... Yawn..." But I gave it a chance and it ended up getting better. And then better! So that by the time the final few episodes came around I was desperate not to miss any!

Damon Salvatore (played by Ian Somerhalder) had a LOT to do with that! Why, why, why is it always the bad boys who are so darn attractive?! I find that he has only one flaw (well, he has many of course, being the bad boy and everything, but aside from that...): His eyebrow-raising habit. That kinda got to me after a while. But you know what? I think I can overlook it!

So. Let's be honest. You just wanna look at the pictures, right? Yeah. Me too.

Oh so HOT HOT!

Oh, the gorgeousness...
Oh, the smouldering gaze...

Stefan perfects the brooding look...

One word: YUMMY.

"being dead is so in right now"