I recently downloaded the trial version of
Adobe CS5 Master Collection (because the real deal costs, like, several months' salary!). It's kind of difficult to use. In fact, the majority of the time I didn't know what I was doing! I just Googled* "
How to xyz..." and then followed the instructions. Sort of.
I now give you... my new hair :-)
Some time after I posted the orange one on Facebook I received a text from my boyfriend that said something like, "I can't believe you dyed your hair orange and didn't tell me! I had to find out from someone at home!"
Oops. I guess not everyone reads the captions beneath photos!
~ ~ ~
*Which reminds me: I saw this T-shirt on the weekend that said "I don't need Google, my wife knows everything". Teeheeee! You know when you see something that is just the
perfect gift for someone you know? Yeah...