Showing posts with label IndieReCon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IndieReCon. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

IndieReCon and The A to Z Challenge

Have you heard of IndieReCon? It's this awesome online writing conference focusing on Indie publishing. There will be LOADS of informative posts, live chats, tips, prizes -- and best of all, it's FREE! It's happening online at this address from Tues Feb 19th (which is TODAY) till Thurs Feb 21st.

And ... I'm pretty sure I don't have to ask if you've heard of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! So. After telling everyone that I would NOT be taking part in the challenge this year, I developed a major case of fomo and have given in once again! *sigh* Last year I exhausted myself writing a new flash fiction every day, so I've set myself a much easier theme for this year. Book covers! I'll be featuring different covers each day that have recently caught my eye, with titles starting with the relevant letter, mainly from self-published/indie authors.

Will you be "attending" IndieReCon? 
Have you signed up for the A to Z Challenge, 
and if so, do you have a theme planned for your posts?