Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

T minus one week!

Eeeek! In just one week I will be married! So I'm officially checking out of the blogosphere until January (though I've been pretty much absent for the past several weeks, what with finishing up school and all our DIY wedding decor...).

If you've left a comment on my blog in the past few weeks and I haven't responded or visited your blog in return, I am really sorry, and I'd like to say


to all of you for your support of my writing/publishing journey this year. It has been incredibly exciting to take my first steps in the publishing world, and it would not have been nearly as fantastic without you.


And if you're still around on December 15th, I'd love it if you could check out the sixth day of the Twelve Books for Christmas on No Thoughts 2 Small, where my book will be featured and you could WIN a copy!

xx Hugs and wedding cupcakes for you all :-)