Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Indie Life: Amazon Author Pages

Indie Life is a monthly feature hosted by the fabulous Indelibles where we get to share something related to indie writing life.

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Okay, so I am obviously EXTREMELY  unobservant, because I only just noticed that Amazon author pages have a "like" button on them. In fact, I didn't even notice it myself. Someone else's blog post pointed it out to me!

Then I did a little Googling, and it seems as though some people believe that getting higher numbers of likes increases your visibility in Amazon searches. Anyone know if that's true? Well, whether it's true or not, it's always great to get more likes because, you know, potential readers can see that people like you as an author :-)

So ... Here's the link to my Amazon author page, in case you feel moved to clicky the little like button. And if you leave your author page link in the comments, I'll happily click on over and do the same for you (and maybe find some awesome books I didn't previously know about!)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Amazon, are you going to lose my book EVERY time?

Does this happen to anyone else, because this is now the THIRD time it's happened to me (well, fourth, since I uploaded two separate versions of LABYRINTH and they both got "lost"). The only one of my books that uploaded without hitches was GUARDIAN.

This is how the problem goes:

I get the congratulatory email from KDP ...

Then I click on the link and get taken to the following page ...

Uh, yeah I'm looking for something!!!

So then in the past I've sent messages to Amazon asking them what's going on and can they please find my book, and by the time they get around to replying to me, the book has sorted itself out and appeared on Amazon, and the response I get from an Amazon person is something along the lines of, "I've checked for the book you asked about and it is live, so ... I'm not really sure what the problem is."

So this time I'm just going to wait.
Sorry you have to wait too!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Download GUARDIAN and LABYRINTH for free! #CreepyHollow

The first two stories in the Creepy Hollow series, GUARDIAN and LABYRINTH, are reaching the end of their 90 day KDP Select period (today is the very last day, actually), and since I have some unused free promotional days, I've made these two novelettes FREE FOR TODAY, 31 July!

GUARDIAN Amazon US | Amazon UK

LABYRINTH Amazon US | Amazon UK

If you feel like being awesome (and who doesn't want to be awesome?!) and tweeting or Facebooking, these are the links you can copy and paste:



(And MASQUERADE is almost ready to make its appearance!)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Self-Publishing: Amazon KDP vs Smashwords

If you haven't used either of these epublishing platforms, you may be interested to know a little bit more about them, especially if you're a writer planning to publish your own work sometime in the future. Well, luckily for you, I'm guest posting today about both Amazon KDP and Smashwords over at Rach Harrie's blog. Just one more click and you can be there!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Amazon eBook Prices: What Do You See?

Image source
*Skip to the end of the post to see the answer that has since been found.*

It has come to my attention that the prices of self-published ebooks on Amazon are not the same outside the US as they are inside the US.

I used to look at authors' ebooks on Smashwords and Amazon and I'd think to myself, why are they pricing their books higher on Amazon than they are on Smashwords? Is it because more work goes into formatting for Amazon? Surely anyone with half a brain cell will choose to buy from the cheaper site then?

BUT after a conversation with a friend recently, and having looked at a few more author websites and then at their books on Amazon, I suddenly twigged: the authors are NOT pricing their books differently on different platforms, it's Amazon that keeps showing me a price that's $2 higher than the price the author set.


I contacted Amazon to ask them why this happens and they couldn't answer my question. They told me that they're unable to offer a price match with a different online retailer. Okay, I get that, but that isn't what I asked! I asked ONLY about Amazon: if I click on the exact same link that my friend in the US does, why do I (in South Africa) see a price that is $2 higher than the price she sees?

No response.

So, if you're not currently in the US (or even if you are, just so we can make sure about this), I'd like to ask you a question. When you click on the following Amazon links, what price do you see?

The author says
I see

And another important question for authors: if you've priced your book at $0.99, but I pay $2.99, do you still only get 35% royalites (and not 70%, as you should on a $2.99 book)? Does Amazon take the rest even though someone has paid more for your book?

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UPDATE (22 Nov 2011)
The answer can be found on the KDP Sales and Royalites FAQ page:

1-6. Why is the price of my book higher in other countries than in my own?
There are a number of reasons why prices for Kindle titles may vary from region to region, including taxes, delivery costs, and other operating costs. We understand your concern about prices and we share that concern - we will continue our efforts to reduce costs and offer the best possible prices to customers in every region.

I guess I should have searched harder for the answer before posting about this, but I'm still glad I posted, as it seems that many people are unaware of the price difference.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amazon's New Kindle Devices

I've been absent from the blogosphere for the past few days - it's EXAM WEEK at school! Yippee! (Note sarcasm.) I may have missed a few things (like the 162 entries that have so far been written for the 2nd Campaigner Challenge) but I did NOT miss the fact that Amazon released several new devices yesterday!

I was pretty excited about the Kindle Fire. I mean, I've always liked the iPad, but it's a little pricey. The Kindle Fire is more affordable. Yay!


Does Amazon ship the Kindle Fire to South Africa? No. Does it ship to anywhere other than the US? No. I take back the "yay". And it appears that the Kindle Touch doesn't ship outside of the US either. Anyway, at the end of the day all I actually want to do is read books, so a basic Kindle would be fine for me.

So I bought one! Yay!

(To all of you who already own a Kindle, now would be a good time to tell me how fabulous you think it is so that I know I've made a good decision!)